24/7 Support Center
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Need a Human?
Our team of friendly USA engineers are at your service. While you can always call 530-240-3825 and leave a message, the much preferred and fastest ways to get a quick question answered are..
1) Text Support (SMS)
Best for quick questions, quick responses and sending pictures. (Photos are helpful!) The Support Team is available Monday through Friday and on-call intermittently on the weekends 530-240-3825
2) Chat on this Page
If you see the gray chat bubble in the bottom right here – tap to chat with us. If it’s business hours we can respond quickly!
3) Support Call Hotline
Best for more complicated, urgent or long form questions. Call the main line at 530-240-3825 and ask for Support. The Support Team is available Monday through Friday for calls. They may be on a call with another customer, in that case our team will take your name down, identify your customer profile and an engineer will give you a call back.