How High Off the Ground are Solar Panels Placed?
You can make the ground mounting structure as tall as you’d like, the minimum height needed depends on solar panel angle. The further away from the equator, your panel array will require a more extreme angle. The closer you are to the equator, your panel array angle will become flatter. Building a taller mount will not result in higher efficiency. Finding the best year round tilt angle, ensuring a shade or shadow free area for the solar panels and cleaning off dust every 3-6 months will result in highest solar panel power efficiency. Wondering what tilt angle works best for your property? Check out our Solar Panel Tilt Angle Calculator.
What is the Cost of a Ground Mount Solar System?
Scalable ground mounts range in price from $459 to $2459. Customer provides the steel pipe and cement for the understructure. View the SHOP page for the Scalable Ground Mount.
Does it Matter if Solar Panels are Vertical or Horizontal?
Nope! You can mount solar panels vertically or horizontally, either way doesn’t make a difference to efficiency or performance. Our Scalable Ground Mounts place panels horizontally.
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