Hey I’m Mya an RPS Solar Pump Specialist!
Biggest impact a solar pump has made on a customer’s life
There are so many positive impacts made by solar pumping. Whether it’s supplying drinking water to villages in countries with little to no access to water, or filling reservoirs, ponds and lakes that have been afflicted by the overwhelming drought, to provide drinking water to wildlife and livestock, or helping a startup farm get reliable irrigation for their crops. There are so many advantages in solar pumping, no matter how large or small the project.
What’s so special about working at RPS Solar Pumps?
I love being a part of something that is truly making a difference and meaningful. I work alongside some great people, we learn and grow together everyday, making positive impacts and helping our customers. We do things differently here in a really good way.
Favorite customer story?
I had a customer who had a property in the middle of nowhere with no access to electricity, who has been hauling water for a few years out to the property for irrigation. Our first introduction was chatting about drilling a well and how solar would work to provide reliable water to the property, which was nearly impossible and a pain at that point. Fast forward a few months and many, many chats later to size the best pump for the property. She is now fully installed with a new pump and ready to plant and grow a completely off grid permaculture garden! RPS made the impossible, POSSIBLE for her which is incredible!
Any good install photos you’ve seen recently?
Seeing our solar pump installation photo/video on a large sheep farm in North Dakota with hundreds of sheep. With one look, the owner knew them all by their personal tag numbers! The farmer was ecstatic witnessing the first sheep take its first sip of fresh water pumped by our system.
Also like the one below…

What type of solar water pump projects do you like to work on most?
I love working on farm and irrigation projects, I am rooted in agriculture so it’s something very special to me to share that same passion with others.
Any hobbies outside of work?
I enjoy time with my family, gardening, cooking and sharing great food.