Friendly, hard working, and a quick learner? Like the concept of helping make agriculture more sustainable? Helping farms and ranches become more resilient with solar? Like the idea of loving what you do in a uniquely awesome work environment surrounded by great people, positivity and fun? In a place you want to come to work every day?

You’re in the right place!

Our company specializes in Solar Powered Water Pumps Kits that can be customer-installed by ranchers, farmers, offgrid-ers and homesteaders alike. The popular kits include a submersible pump that goes down the well, a controller, solar panels, and all the parts necessary to connect them together when in the field. We are passionate about getting more and more wells β€˜off the grid’ powered by renewable energy, empowering and teaching customers how easy it is to DIY themselves. Anyone looking for people that will are excited as we are about sustainable agriculture, solar and helping people will find a home here. We’ll keep all conversations on the down-low if you are currently employed but we invite you to chat with us about any of the opportunities below! If you’re great, you’ll be in good company here at RPS!

All opportunities at RPS include great benefits. This includes 401K, Health Care, Holidays and PTO, Sick Leave, Pet Insurance, Off-grid and Volunteer PTO days, Triple-your-impact donations, AAA Roadside Assistance membership, and all the random parties, food, karaoke, and fun we have on a regular basis! The company operates Monday thru Friday. Weekends are sacred for everyone to relax and enjoy their families and friends! And yes, there is a company garden, as well as chickens and ducks running around so fresh veggies and eggs are an extra benefit at RPS! πŸ™‚

Current Opportunities

Internships at RPS

Currently a student locally and looking for part-time work on the side, or full time work in the summer months? Come join the fun and friendly team at RPS sharing sustainable Solar Water Pumps with the world! Scroll down to see all posted internships!