Maybe you’re worried about power outages, the grid going down, environmental disasters or just want peace of mind that you’ll pump water, no matter what happens. It’s totally possible to run a current electric well pump on solar power, you’ll just need a properly sized inverter for the pumps HP, solar panels and maybe a battery bank for nighttime pumping.

Should I Replace My Current AC Pump or Convert it to Solar?

If your current AC grid powered pump is in good condition and meets the criteria or conversion, pulling the pump out of the well and replacing it with a new solar pump might be too much of a hassle. Converting the Ac pump only requires switching wiring from the breaker box/original junction box over to a DC to AC Inverter box. Most people can complete this task without an electrician.

However sometimes, especially for 2 HP, 3 HP and 5 HP pumps, converting a single phase AC grid pump to solar may cost more than purchasing a new pump/panels/controller set up. This is because single phase pumps require more power (aka more solar panels) than their three phase counterparts. We’ve also seen instances where the AC pump was grossly oversized for property needs, and the customer could size down to a less expensive option.

What Kind of Conversion Kits Exist?

Conversion Kit

  • Converts 220V 1/2 HP to 5 HP submersible/ surface/ dewatering/ irrigation pumps, three wire pumps ONLY
  • Automatic switching to backup power form generator or AC Grid
  • Plug and play connectors


  • Converts 110V or 220V 1/2 HP to 3 HP submersible/ surface/ dewatering/ irrigation pumps (available in three sizes of inverters depending on pump HP and power requirements)
  • Battery bank for nighttime pumping
  • Ability to power other 110V or 220V appliances/loads for household power backup when the grid is down
  • Automatic switching to backup power form generator or AC Grid
  • Plug and play connectors