How efficient is a water pump?

RPS made solar water pumps not only efficient but accessible to everyday DIYers. We’ve put all the most efficient technology into our pumps, controllers and panels so you don’t have to do any work piece-mealing a setup together. The pumps themselves use hyper-efficient brushless permanent magnet motors, creating a permanent electrical field that the pump uses to start and operate every day. Brushless motors remove the wear part of a traditional brushed motor. Once that brush wears down the pump is usually thrown out, a pretty wasteful lifecycle that results in the customer just buying another pump 6 months to a year after the initial purchase. Our submersible pumps are rated for continuous duty (meaning run the heck of out them without worrying that you’re damaging parts).

Our RPS controllers use the most efficient MPPT(maximum power point tracking) charge controller module, that pinpoints the most efficient voltage for operating the pump based on real time solar input. Advanced controllers feature a maximum power point tracking feature. Controllers with this feature determine the maximum power the solar array panel can produce and draws the correct voltage and current to maintain this maximum power condition. If a controller draws too much current, the voltage is reduced, and power is reduced. Likewise, if a controller maintains too high of voltage, current is reduced and again power is reduced. A maximum power point tracker draws the right amount of current in order to maintain a high voltage and achieve maximum system efficiency.

Wondering about solar panel efficiency? Solar panels are rated for 25 years of use before declining in efficiency. After 25 years, the solar panels are still totally useable, but less efficient. RPS provides high quality, lab tested and rated mono-crystalline solar panels(more efficient than polycrystalline panels). We manufacture our own 100W panels and source high quality 300W + solar panels for larger systems.


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