Why should I have a battery storage bank for my solar backup system in California?

What’s happening to solar credits in California?
On 12/15/2022 California passed new solar policies that change the exchange rate structure for energy being back-fed into the PG&E power grid starting April 14th, 2023. Under the new policies, the currently even exchange rate will be replaced which means that 20-year savings from solar will drop 60% without having battery backup in place for your solar system.
What is “net metering”?
Net Metering is the policy that defines how solar energy and the power grid work together economically.

So what’s different about the new NEM 3 program?
Under the new net metering program also known as NEM 3 excess solar sent to the grid is no longer credited at utility (or retail) prices. This means you are no longer receiving the near 1-to-1 exchange rate for feeding back into the grid.
The rate is now based on an “avoided cost calculator.” The rate varies for every hour of the day, for weekends vs. weekdays, and for every month of the year. The rates are locked in for 9 years and then decrease every two years after that to “encourage” people to switch to solar sooner so they can take advantage of the higher payout.

NEM 3 reduces the value of a grid-tied solar system
NEM 3 reduces the value of solar exports by over 70%, reduces 20 year savings by 60% and increases the payback period for solar from 6 years to 10 years!

Bank with a WaterSecure and build your own mini-grid!
The time for taking your energy storage and water security into your own hands is here. Battery Banks for solar storage is the way of the future and the future is here. Even with grid-tied solar power, when PG&E goes out, you have no power unless you have some way to store your solar energy. We began developing the WaterSecure system as a solar backup to make sure your water pump would keep working even when there was no grid power or no sunshine. After all, water is our most important resource!
We have since developed our Easy-Install Off-Grid Shed Enclosures (featured in the video below) and most recently our Easy Off-Grid Containers. These are a self-contained unit that allows for running an off-grid setup with solar and the option to back up to AC Power. It contains a WaterSecure 12K with customizable solar panel array and battery bank. Start creating your own mini-grid to store power without the power company!